NETComm6.Output = "p" & Chr(13) 'send PRINT command to the scale.
Dim Buffer As String 'define Buffer
Buffer$ = Buffer$ & NETComm6.InputData 'wait for the data come into the serial port
WtInfo = Buffer
And i got this
80 00 000S99291235 F80 00 000S99291236 E80 00 000S99291237 D80 00 000S99291238 K80 00 000S9929123
Weight = Wtarray(0) // assuming the weight is in the 1st position
-Command: SI + CR + LF (53h, 49h, 0Dh, 0Ah)
Response: <LONG> (after establishing stable value)
-Command for Print
Command: SP + <Weight> + CR + LF
Response: <print>
-Enquiry for current weight value
Command: Sx1 + CR + LF
Response: <LONG>
I have a Magellan scanner/scale. It is connected to my pc through rs232. I can read the weight on the scale by sending the command S11 + ENTER in Hyperterminal program and the weight shows on Hyperterminal with no problems at all.