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The window class name for a toolbar control is TOOLBARCLASSNAME, which is defined as "ToolbarWindow32" in Commctrl.h.
CreateWindowEx creates an empty toolbar that you fill by sending a TB_ADDBUTTONS message, specifying the address of a TBBUTTON structure.
If you use the CreateWindowEx function to create a toolbar, you must send the TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE message before adding any buttons. The message passes the size of the TBBUTTON structure to the toolbar.
IPENABLED دارد که دیتا تایپ آن BOOLEAN است و میشود IPADDRESS های فعال که دیتا تایپ String دارد و باید بعد از استفاده از متد ExecutedQuery آبجکت WMI در آن لوپ زده شود.
Set objQuery = objWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where IPEnabled = True")
کلاس Win32_Pocess فرآیندهایی که در سیستم کاری وجود دارد. متد Terminate دارد که می توانید به اجرای فرآیند خاتمه دهید شامل آیتم هایی است که در لینک مشاهده کنید یکی از آنها Name است می توانید در Select از آن استفاده کنید و فرضا مسیر Excel.Exe را در آن بگذارید و بعد از Set کردن Variable به آبجکت آنرا Terminate نمائید.
Set objQuery = objWMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name= .....")
With objQuery
End With
کلاس Win32_logicaldisk شامل اطلاعاتی درباره درایوها است و آیتم هایی دارد مثل گرفتن سریال نامبر
کلاس Win32_Diskdrive شامل اطلاعات درایوها ست و آیتم هایی دارد مثل SerialNumber که لوپ زده میشود و مقدار را بدست می آوریم.
Set ColItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery( _ "SELECT * FROM Win32_DiskDrive") Dim i As Integer
'For Each ObjItem In ColItems
Get MACAddress win32-networkadapter
Get MACAddress win32-networkadapterconfiguration
IPEnabled / IPAddress / MACAddress
Method : Reboot ( Shut & Restart )
wmic diskdrive get serialnumber
c:\>wmic diskdrive get serialnumberSerialNumberFR3AG13032430BC13S
wmic baseboard get serialnumber
See also get-disk-drive-information-in-windows-10-with-this-command/amp/
MotherBoard command/Windows/wmic/en-us/wmicBASEBOARD
See Also to minimze or maximize window of application win32/shell/shell-shellexecute
Dim objShell
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.Run "cmd /c dir > test.txt"
'Create shell object
Dim objShell
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
'call Notepad program
objShell.Run "notepad.exe",1,true
MsgBox "I know what you wrote :-)"
"Wscript.Shell" SendKeys 2b56c24affdd
strFolderName : One of the following special folders(not all are available to all flavors of Windows)AllUsersDesktopAllUsersStartMenuAllUsersProgramsAllUsersStartupDesktopFavoritesFontsMyDocumentsNetHoodPrintHoodProgramsRecentSendToStartMenuStartupTemplates
Shell "Cmd /c Shutdown -s -t "
shutdown -L
You cannot hide the cmd window with any batch file command. You can launch the batch file from a vbscript and have it run as a background process which hides the cmd window. You could put powershell -window hidden -command "" in your script
"wmic diskdrive get model,serialNumber,index,media > C:\path\to\text.txt"
I made log table, I have the back-end database on a server, and a few front-end files in the office, and i want to log all the users who access the back-end.
I used the Environ function, it provides me the computer name / user name and anything else i need, but it doesn't show the IP address. The functions I made are working, all I need is to get the IP address..
For Each itm In myobj
The "wscript.Network" object
Provides access to the shared resources on the network to which your computer is connected.
Properties :
Methods :
'SetDefaultPrinter "\\research\library1"
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Access\File MRU\Quick Access Display"
, iShow,
iShow=0 Or 1
<tabidMso ="TabRecent" visible="false"/>